Moving is a stressful process, and it can be made even more stressful once you arrive at your destination and find that your favorite dishes are broken! Choosing the right packing materials makes all the difference when trying to keep your items safe during transit. Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, here is what everyone should know about the best and worst packing materials.

The Best Packing Materials

  1. Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap can be purchased in almost any size. Choose small bubble wrap for delicate and fragile items, like plates or your snowglobe collection. Bigger bubble wrap is better for bigger objects like lamps.

  1. Packing Paper

Packing paper is clean newsprint-like paper that is great for small items and padding items in boxes that are not perfectly filled to avoid shifting. It is less expensive than bubble wrap and can serve almost the same purpose.

  1. Moving Boxes

Moving boxes are high-quality and made from thicker cardboard than typical shipping boxes. Always pack heavy items on the bottom and light items on the top and avoid leaving any empty space in a sealed box.

  1. Furniture Pads

We can rent furniture pads or moving boxes to you for your moving day. These blankets prevent your furniture and items from getting scuffed on the inside of the moving truck.

  1. Stretch Plastic Wrap

This plastic wrap looks like jumbo-sized saran wrap, and it comes in a number of widths and sizes. It can do anything from ensuring your dresser drawers don’t fall out to securing stacked boxes together.

  1. Package Tape

Heavy-duty packing tape is made to last and tightly seal boxes. Always tape down the middle of boxes and on each side for extra support.

  1. Permanent Markers

Jumbo-size permanent markers are excellent for marking boxes. Always write in large letters and on multiple sides of each box so you can quickly see where boxes should go as you unload.

The Worst Packing Materials

  1. Inexpensive or reused boxes that are made of thin or flimsy cardboard
  2. Cheap tape that is designed for securing things to the wall or duct tape instead of packing tape
  3. Newsprint that can transfer onto objects

Perry Moving & Storage Is Here to Help with Your Moving Day

Are you looking for help packing up your home or choosing the right packing materials for your move? Perry Moving & Storage is the preferred moving and storage company of Baltimore and Washington businesses and homeowners. To learn more about our short-term and long-term storage options, moving services and get a quote, call us today at (410) 799-0022.